Monday, November 24, 2008

Boutique hotels

I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend, be it productive or not! Mine was, for the most part, pretty productive.(Especially Saturday!) I was able to indulge in day light and take photographs of my new creations. I just wished that it was summer time because when I get off work, there is still workable sunlight to be had!

Sunday, we took a stroll down the pearl as I needed to get some nice boards for my Granny Panties show on Saturday. They're for the displays you see and since I'm too cheap and out of time to buy real busts (also it's so hard to find neutral antique affordable busts!), I'm going to make do with really nice textured boards. Had a lunch mixed dinner sort of a meal at the Deschutes Pub and for the rest of the afternoon, was comatose with the delights of stout beer and steamed clams. (Oh steamed clams, how I love thee!)

Last night, I also got to book our other flights. I know, in my last travel related post, I had said I was going back to NZ but after looking through our finances, we thought it was best to keep to our guns at the South East Asia plans.

Here is our tentative route:

Singapore-Kota Kinabalu-Penang-Ipoh-Seremban-Singapore

Basically, we're flying from Singapore to Borneo, flying to Penang and taking the train down the Malaysian countryside to Seremban where my maternal family lives.

The flights are all booked and I even booked our 6 day stay in Kota Kinabalu, thanks to my awesome cousin who gave me the local heads up. We booked the Imperial Boutec Hotel which is not only very affordable (6 nights for $450 usd with taxes included!!) but stylishly boutique!

It's so funky and minamilistic, it's great! I can't wait!!

Then for our Penang part of our trip, which will only be a few days, I'm looking to booking our accomodation at the incredibly sensual and nostalgic Cheong Fatt Tze Chinese mansion. It is a small boutique hotel that drums up the vibrant past. I just love hotels that have character, unlike the Sheratons and Hiltons of the world.

The Cheong Fatt Tze hotel has a bit of colonial touch to it and the decor just seem to transport you back to the 1920s, oh my! Wow, I so don't want to go to work right now despite the fact that I'm already 10 minutes late into getting into my car!


The Bakery Box said...

Where in the world do you find all these nice hotels???????? Bring me home something good!

Tiffany said...

I know right, they're absolutely gorgeous! I often google boutique hotels but it is rare to find ones that are affordable!
Both are available for under $80usd a night!!
I mean, that's amazing!

charinthecity said...

What awesome hotels! I expect a full review (-: