Sunday, November 16, 2008

Munting in Seattle

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Seattle was, gulp, fabulous! It was strangely the first time I found Seattle intriguing. I'm not sure why but I think it is partly due to the fact that we walked ALOT. Driving around the city, you miss alot of the pockets and also we had my god brother and his wife showing us around so it helped alot as well. The most impressive things were Serious Pie and the Seattle Public Library. Serious Pie , is insanely cozy and delicious. (See how I reframed from saying "is seriously delicious".) Seriously. I never really liked thin crusts before but oh my goodness, these were different. We ordered a Penn Cove clams pizza and boy oh boy, I lost my table manners two bites in. Wait, I always loose my table manners two bites in, whatever, it was pure heaven. If you get the chance to be hungry in Seattle, now you know where to go. The second place I was just clickity camera about was the book mecca.
It's been two years or so since I've utilized a library. The Dunedin Library in New Zealand where I did my masters was super cool because it had cliff cubicals like so:

Seattle, my dear, takes the cake. It is a very green library with some floors covered in bamboo flooring, some are reused wood, plastic and all sorts. It is also visually pleasing, amalgamating both industrial function with natural aesthetics. The floors are on an incline to the next level, ever so slightly and the expansive windows make the entire library refreshingly bright. The use of intense concentrated colours make this library hard to be quiet in. It's so fun!
The walls meet the ceiling

An art installation made of acrylic, the old hewy dewy card drawer system

An auditorium that is carved into the lower grounds of the library

The library from the second floor


Neon yellow escalator

Documentaries, inlayed with re used rubber tyres

Ground floor of library covered in wooden carved letters of different languages

The REd room

Makes you want to be a librarian right?!

1 comment:

kendalee said...

Absolutely! What an incredible library building. I've never been to Seattle and it looks amazing. Thanks for sharing your visit with us :)