Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Week of Happiness

I'm joining in on the great idea of Curious Lisa who proposed Happy Week.
In Lisa's own words "if you'd like to play along, comment and leave a link to your blog or flickr. rules are not very happy, but the gist is to post each day (through saturday) about whatever makes you smile, swoon, laugh and/or dance with wild abandon. "

Since I only saw this as I was getting off work, I'll combine Happy Monday and Tuesday into one post. I hope that's not cheating!

Happy Monday:

My very good friend Anna left Canada for her hometown Dunedin, NZ (where I met her) on Sunday and she had wanted a Muntedkowhai necklace to bring back with her. I've finally come up with a small charming design that is not overtly fancy or "too much" for her personality. I think it is sweet and just right for her. Monday night, I got to finish it, chain it and I'll be posting it to her alllll the way to sheepland tomorrow. It makes me happy because thjs is my first custom order for a really good friend and it means twice as much to me that she wants one! I think I will make 2 more, one at Mum's request for a friend's present and one for Etsy. I have 2 more of the same buttons. I'm so excited!

Happy Tuesday

It's Tuesday morning, I'm going around the Terwilliger highway and every radio station I have programed has annoying adverts on. It is foggy and gloomy. I put in my Flight of the Conchord CD and I gradually come out of my muck. I love these guys. I heard about them about a year and a bit ago and since they're kiwi as well, it has a special place in my heart. It helps that Brett is insanely handsome and they're both quirky as can be, it's hilarious. If you have never heard their songs or seen their HBO series, get you to a copy of them as soon as possible! It'll make your Tuesday VERY happy indeed! Plus, who doesn't think a kiwi accent is insanely hot.
To start off with, you should listen to " It's Business time" and "Robot song"


Sayo said...

I love Flight of the Conchords! This is my favorite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wqfcwgT0Ds

Heather, paperfollies.typepad.com said...

great necklaces...i especially like the gentlemen's one (oh dear, i think that's the name, i just looked at your etsy and now i've already forgotten the name!) well, anyway, looking made me happy! Happy, Happy Week!

kendalee said...

Another lovely necklace creation and how wonderful to think of your friend all the way across the globe wearing something you've designed and made 'specially for her - I'm sure she'll be thrilled to receive it!

Flight of the Conchords is quite a new discovery for me and they are brilliant! I do love a kiwi accent. Good choice for a week devoted to happy-making stuff!