Monday, November 24, 2008

Your face, it's like a doll

This morning, on my very quick glance at the front page, I saw a print that struck my heart, made my eye brows raise and made me whimper all at the same time! I immediately clicked on it and bookmarked it. The collage genius behind all these eerily romantic prints is Layla from Providence, Rhode Island. Her Dollfacedesign Etsy shop is listings after listings of pure tea stained parchment whimsical delights. Fanciful birds and victorian flowers pour over the pages and it is just about everything a little girl (or grown up 26 year old adult) would ever want to surround themselves in. These enchanting collages are balanced by the more interesting Victorian morbidness, or rather, a sense of mysterious beauty that is made ever more engaging surrounded by all this beauty.

You know, I think my favourite is the print on the right. It is just so insanely intriguing.

I'm also really excited as Sarustar and I are doing a bit of a trade! Oooo it is my first trade and I'm really happy because I've been eyeing her Colleen for a long time.
See, this is Colleen. She's pretty. She's going to be mine. Mine!!!!


dollface design said...

hi there!
thank you so much for mentioning my etsy shop on your lovely blog, i appreciate it to bits! your shop & all your creations are sheer fabulousness! ♥ thank you so much for your kind words and for being so sweet, you made my day!

blue moss said...

fun post
super cool ring

Mrs.French said...

thank you so much for the introduction...that ring is amazing...xo

Anonymous said...

Those prints are FAB! I love them!

Sayo said...

Yay! Thanks for the post! I think the doll in the middle is my favorite.

I'm so excited to have one of your beautiful necklaces soon! Your ring will be on its way first thing tomorrow morning!

kendalee said...

These are gorgeous! I can see why you're smitten :)