Sunday, December 21, 2008

All I want for Christmas is a hand massage

because I really need one. This morning, I woke up and there is a foot of snow and 2cm of ice so that when I walked onto it, it crackles and breaks into big jaggered pieces of ice sheets. It is amazing. Global warming induced crazy weather much? The rain is supposed to be coming and so I only shoveled part of the driveway. I don't suppose we'll be driving anywhere soon. (Inside glee) All this inside time has created these:

All available now at Muntedkowhai

For those of you enjoying your lovely warm temperature, here's something to cool you off:

Now for my favourite part of the weekend: bundled in my blanket watching mind rotting reality tv shows and crocheting. (Boy I sound old!)


Laura said...

Beautiful pieces! I especially love the light brown one with the brass button.

Be careful in your crazy weather and have a wonderful holiday!

Dallas Shaw said...

AMAZING new work!!!
what a talent


bocephus said...

This stuff is FABULOUS!!!!! I wan $$ for christmas so I can get one of your necklaces!!!!!

knack said...

I love the new pieces!!

Merry Christmas to you too:) xoxo

Michelle said...

Hehehe, sounds great to me, sometimes I feel like and OLD man stuck in a sorta young me...