Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Erin's Dialogue

I just caught up with Erin from Design for Mankind's new series of Dialogue videos. I love these videos, I find myself nodding my head and saying, Yea! Yea! while sipping my coffee inbetween. It is very much like a Dialogue, in which Erin had intended and so I thought I'd share some of my thoughts on each of the video even though I'm not a full pledge, live off my art like these inspirational talents!

My balance between non art and art time is pretty much carved out by my science job. I think my need of balance focuses on art and much needed social time that this Muntedkowhai addiction has robbed me of. How do you balance something when you actually prefer to be doing one of the things you want to balance? I feel already, that there is not enough time in the world to do what I want to do with Muntedkowhai so on weekends and at nights when I am out (very rarely might I add), I feel like I've robbed myself of Munted time. This being said, I am fully aware of how unhealthy it is for me to stay in on a Friday night crocheting watching ANTM reruns every week... That is why, I've been thinking more and more of venturing out to participate in more Portland art events, be it shows, festivals and what not, just to get out there and interact in soemthing that is still inspirationally grounded.


I have thought about this alot and agree with one artist on the video in particular, I'm able to enjoy Muntedkowhai because I do not need to depend and live off its earnings. I LOVE to create and when I get orders for necklaces that I have already created, I feel it such a chore to make them. Make and create, is SO different. My pure joy is when someone purchases something I created than something I made for them. The stress of not having to live off Muntedkowhai fuels my passion and at my Science job, the phrase "absence makes the heart grow fonder" is so so true because Munted is the only thing I think of when I'm at work... and Aaron. Within Muntedkowhai, when I first started, I allowed myself around $500 in which after, I could not spend anymore out of my own savings until I made it back. Once I made it back and then some, I only bought supplies when I sold pieces and that is to say, I'm living within my own Muntedkowhai means. I wanted to seperate a bold black line between my savings and my Munted money so I solely use Paypal for Munted. All of my supplies use paypal and as I've found out, I'm so glad that I did this because tracking expenses for tax purposes was easier not having to go through different receipts. It is hard to not want to purchase 50,000 vintage buttons but I simply can't afford it if I had not made any sales. I just could not justify it. When I've made some pretty good sales, I make an effort to purchase my supplies in one go so that I'd be sitting pretty and creating if there is a sale draught. (Ah! I hate sale draughts!)


I often wonder what my family or boyfriend would think if I did Muntedkowhai full time... right now they're very supportive and I appreciate it so much. I'm amazed that Aaron doesn't want to cut off his hear when he hears "Muuuuntedkowhai". My friend Tania, is a pillar of support, ideas and constructive critiscim that I respect which is so important. I have many a friends (overseas) tell me, Tiff, no one will want to buy that, it's "old". Luckily, my intuition took over because I never respected those friend's advice because they naturally don't understand my creations and hand made pieces. My friends in Portland, are hugely supportive, even if they only get to see me once in a blue moon. Family wise, I have no problem because I'm a daughter of an artist and my father, he thinks it is great that I'm making money off of my hobby. Money is the key word here. My dad likes money. He lives in Hong Kong you see. Everyone there, loves their money. My Aunt doesn't understand, she asks me why all my pieces look the same. However when she sees that I sell them, they are now instantly worthy in her eyes. This makes me mad to think something is only of value when others demands it. To me, I take it personally but I know it makes sense in the "economic" world.

Oh look, I should have been in my car 15 minutes ago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wise words Tiff! I'm so happy we opened up shops at the same time!