Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'm not orchid

Well, yes, yes, I could be. Here are the much needed spring addition to Muntedkowhai:

Inspired by spring's reds, pinks and oranges and floral motifs, these four necklaces will break some colours into my very winter colours and all the creams and greys. Yay colour! My new favourite thing to crochet are floral motifs! The orchids are so easy to create and in these new colours, so much fun! These colourful pieces are now available at Muntedkowhai.


Linda Lu said...

I love how cute and simple this designs are, but 'simple' might not exactly describe the workmanship put into this.

knack said...

so pretty and feminine!

Have a great day! xo

Hello Lindello said...

I love the use of color! I've been drawn to lots of it lately. I think its spring fever...

Marian said...

These are so simple but effective, they definately make me think spring! gorge designs.
muah x

Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk said...

Oooh...instant fave! I love these.

Pinch Me said...

I also have a (large) fondness for vintage buttons. I love how you've used them in your beautiful neck piece designs!