Thursday, March 12, 2009

Munted Organizin'

The other weekend, I was sick of having all of my sterling silver findings in their stupid little plastic bags. (They came individually bagged which bugs me because that is alot of trash!) I headed to Storables and found this ridiculously expensive piece of polymer organizer. Even though it was expensive, I got it because I can get super organized and when I'm creating motifs, I can slide out my thread drawer and have it downstairs where I create and leave the rest (findings, chains, buttons etc) upstairs thereby not cluttering the entire fireplace. My ultimate organizer would be made of wood, not neccessarily portable because my dream work place would be my own sunny studio where I do not have to move things. Meanwhile, I'm pretty satisfied with this:

The four drawer organizer

Top drawer: Threads and cords. I need to try more colours!

My drawer of sparkly buttons, brass, greens and blues, glass, whites and filigrees.

My drawer of brass and copper chains +findings, red and pink buttons, czech glass beads.

Finally, the most expensive part, gold plated and sterling silver chains and findings with pearls and tools.

This makes everything better and I have a mental picture of what I need to reorder in terms of supplies. It is hard to visualize sometimes when they're all in bags of bags.


charinthecity said...

I'm jealous. Now you're more organised than a Muji store.

KatinkaPinka said...

thank gawd for expensive plastic organizers. i finally broke down and bought an entire shopping cart-full and the sanity that i now possess in regards to all my tiny bits and bobs is worth every penny.

i just can't figure out why they charge so much for plastic?!

kendalee said...

Just looking at these makes me feel happy. Nothing like a bit of well-organised storage!