Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I was struck with sudden home sickness for NZ when a 100% pure New Zealand advert came onto the TV this evening, that I went and poured through my old blog that always makes me smile. I found these, such fond memories of that day. It was the Fringe Festival week, an art week filled with visual, musical, acting art scattered all over the city. There was a cubicle made out of cardboard with 4 ladies inside offering free portraits.

One lady faces the corner and does a portrait of me without ever seeing me but from what she thinks I would look like. The other three ladies draws me in their own way. Aaron had his done as well. These portraits are, I think at Aarons' parent's house.

Coolest portraits, e.v.e.r


please sir said...

I love portraits, even when done in a secret quick way! Sounds like a wonderful time and glad you could walk thru some memories.

Linda Lu said...

wow... I love this portraits. The color use is great!