Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Scatterbrain post

I am very tired this morning and I think I'll need that extra cup of coffee! Last night, after talking to Aaron on the phone, I looked up at my clock and saw that it was 10pm, bliss! I still have an hour or so to work on my orders! Little did I realise that I did not turn my bedroom clock forward an hour, oops. So by the time I finished my orders and scoured the internet for some more supplies, it was 1am! Sleep is so so precious and there is just not enough time in a day!

I finished chaining up the pieces with no jump rings to spare, I mean, how lucky is that! I'm dying to get creating with my own Spring and Wedding pieces because more colours arrived, more buttons and oh lordy, I had so many ideas running around in my head while driving home yesterday. Dangerous? Yes quite possibly. I'm thinking I need to run and get some pewter coloured ribbons.

So yes, there is lots of creative inspirations and motivation building up, I just need to get this order shipped out first and then, Muntedkowhai will be back on tracks.

I woke up this morning to a really sweet email from Karen of Blog Goggles (a blog I follow religiously because she updates so frequently with such great fashion tidbits that it is almost like watching TV, but better) She has written up a very kind and sweet post about Muntedkowhai that made me feel very grateful for all my crafty blog friends that I have made since starting Munted. So thank you everyone, I'm feeling much loved today, virtually!

I've been hearting quite a bit recently on Etsy because I have just realised that my memory is not as hot as before and I can't remember shop names that well. Here are some glass hearts I have done:

Bodhicitta cuts wine and beer bottles down, fire polish the rims to make glasses. GENIUS.

A heavy glass goblet from friend HelloVictory. She has SO many cute vintage home dressings!

Big Sky's Ethereal blue wine bottle bowl is just, sigh, gorgeous!

Mossy terrariums are getting their share of spotlight, this one from Madebymavis is precious!

Um. These are red. Goblets with ears. LOVES it. Elizabethwrenvintage has a huge diversity of all things vintage.


Hello Lindello said...

You are so sweet to include me!! Thanks so much! Congrats on the great feature. That always feels nice huh?

please sir said...

Loving your etsy finds - the wine bottle glasses are so neat!