Friday, March 27, 2009

A softer Admiral

Watch out for this Admiral, it'll be in a giveaway soon!

I've been so caught up with crafting that I have forgotten to take care of myself, so yesterday I:
*Made an appointment for a hair cut (I haven't cut it in 4 months!! It is horrible looking)
*Made an appointment for a massage (especially my hands!)
*Made an appointment for an eye check and getting a new pair of specs (mine is all scratched up which is really annoying me)

What's on your to do list this weekend?
Happy Friday!


Hello Lindello said...

I love these long ones your making! Are you going to be making more? hint hint. I have a busy weekend of estate sales, updating shop, plays, birthdays, and cleaning house! Woohoo

charinthecity said...

I like your new Admirals with the chunky chains! I have the London cold that is everywhere on the public transport so I'll be resting up... but I have plans to be somewhat social and see my friend tomorrow for something girly. It's good to have the catch-up and maintenance job sometimes (-: Enjoy yourself!

Marian said...

honey love this necklace sweetie! the colour is gorge! just to let you know that my blog name & link has changed to
thank you for the lovely comment on my styling!
muah x

Jane said...

these are really beautiful - what lovely work.