Friday, March 13, 2009

Urban Camouflage

Here is some visual treats for your way to the weekend; urban camouflage. The time, excruciating attention to detail and patience blows me out of the water and the end results leaves me speechless. What a work of art.

My favourite is Emma Hacks, she blends my love of unqiue wallpaper and new love of camouflage! I am taken away by the last photo with the cat, I think I want that wall paper in my house!!

Liu Bolin, a Chinese artists explains that his urban camouflage represents nature's (and perhaps, social) given advantage when we are able to blend into our environment. He cites numerous animals and insects that do so, in order to survive. I thought it more interesting as a social statement than a natural one, either way, his use of iconic China communist uniform and background makes quite the statement.

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