Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I have decided to make a real effort into putting my best foot forward at my science job and Muntedkowhai. All my attention, motivation and spirit has been put wholeheartedly into Muntedkowhai, which has left science all pathetic and wailing. I've been really bad in the lab, just cruising and not really thinking about my experiments. Really, I'm just like a robot in the lab. My mind is 99.8% occupied with designs, ticking of lists mentally and the dream of being a featured seller on Etsy. This has left very little room for logical and problem solving capabilities which has ended quite foolishly this afternoon. I repeated an experiment for the 3rd time with results that did not make sense ( ok... for the science nerds: I was getting IFNy response from non specific tumor co incubation with TILs) Only to find out that I had repeated the same mistake three times when all it needed was a bit of thought before carrying out the experiement. ( science nerds: I stimulated all the groups with anti CD3 so that the T cells was stimulated regardless of tumor cell lines... DUUUUUUH) This made my boss go : "Oh Tiffany!" *In despair* " Oh Tiffany! Tiffany.."
This makes me feel SO bad and I know as a scientist, I should have stopped and thought about it. I knew it was kinda strange that I did what I did but I did not stop but just carried on. This is bad. Asking questions is good. It oftens prevents you from carrying on with your mistakes. So I will be vigilent. I will ask questions when I am not sure. I will ask questions even when I am sure. One of the reasons I've been so miserable at work lately is because the lack of tasks which has made me think more of Muntedkowhai.
So here I am, pledging that I will do everything to the best of my ability, to ask before doing when unsure and carry out experiments in such a way that I can put a hand over my heart and let my results speak for itself. I have left my work ethics slip a whole lot and this is not on.


teresa said...

Oh man do I know that feeling.

kadler said...

Sorry, hon! I think we all feel like that every once in a while. Just a slump.

But congrats for being featured on etsy wedding :)

Ruhammie said...

This blog kinda sounds like me lately. Work is slow, so I check the net WAY too frequently for this, that or the other. I feel for you about the errors...mine would be something like having a general contractor build a wall in the wrong spot, or the wrong quantity of fabric was ordered, or something like that. I enjoy your work stories since I was headed towards a science direction for a long time in my life, but ended up doing Interior Design. As an FYI, I'm close to completing the PIF!