Friday, April 03, 2009

Sunriver, Oregon

I'm really excited to be getting away from Portland and Muntedkowhai this weekend, on an impromptu getaway to Sunriver, Oregon!! A famous river runs though it, with a uncommitted mountain and a few friends for great company! So it should be a really nice weekend, a refreshing change. I can't wait! Although I wonder if I will survive Grillo's driving, I'll just close my eyes!

Also! I have some really exciting news! Earlier in the week, I was contacted by an organizer at the SGIGF , who had invited me to partake as an exhibitor in their new HAIGHT section. Company buyer names pop up, vision of grandeur and fame easily rushed through my head and then, last night, I decided to look up what others had said of the SFIGF. Not a lot! There was this one lady that was so negative about it that it instantly scared me! Spending alot of Munted money for "depressing" buyer turn out! EEEEK! Then I looked at photos of vendors and WOW! They're so professional looking and.... I will have to really really think about what I can afford to make mine as professional as theirs. It should be challenging and most definitely scary! (exciting as well) Ekkk! I want to partake in it but am so fearful that it will be a flop. Has anyone ever had any experience with these International gift fairs and if so, word of advice?!

Have a lovely weeekenddddd!


kendalee said...

I'm sorry I don't have any relevant advice or experience to offer but there will be others that do. I do think you're up to the challenge though. Your necklaces are gorgeous and they deserve the recognition that something like this could bring. I say go for it!

And have a lovely weekend!!!

Eric Chan said...

oh fun! I love Sunriver, although I only go there once every couple of years. Hope all goes well with those company buyers! Nothing like doing what you love and getting paid for it :)