Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Taking it back

Not ready

Two days ago, I decided not to go to the SFIGF. It just all caught up with me, the costs of tickets, hotels and most of all, the booth displays. My vision was to have painted wooden walls, in dusty teal with my necklaces on the wall like in a gallery. However, I found out that I'm not allowed wooden walls but just have to settle with the black drapes given to us. Totally not what I had in mind which is good I guess because shipping wood panels down to SF would have cost me more than I would like. On top of this, I asked myself, would I really be ready for this? I don't have a huge inventory and I don't even have a wholesale catalogue yet (so much more to be done!). Really, Muntedkowhai is only 8 months old and I think there is no need to rush especially when I'm not ready for its subsequent ripples. There will be other opportunities, hopefully with Tania and somewhere HUGE.

When did you know you were ready for serious exposure?

Reading Modishs' Jena and her idea of making monthly lists, made me all giddy. I mean, I do it every day at work so here it is, to be added after Tania comes down this weekend of course:

*Wholesale catalogue
*Make new spreadsheet that is more TAX friendly
*Submit to 3 glossy magazines
*Participate in a summer show
*Muntedkowhai website!!!!

It can be done!


Aroha Silhouettes said...

Yipeeeeee!!! This weekend will be like a super productive sleepover!

kadler said...

Eh, don't sweat it, you have all the time in the world.

thisgoodhearth said...

It's just not time yet.
How does that song go?
" The best is yet to come.....da,da,da,da,da,da,da,da-da!!"

Hello Lindello said...

Nice goals. I have no doubt you will achieve them and I think its smart you are taking a step back and re-assesing what needs to be done and when. Have fun this weekend and ENJOY your free time!

kendalee said...

Good to go with what feels right! You'll know when it's time to take that step and this is a great list of goals to move you along the path towards it...

Ruhammie said...

I grew up going to craft show/sales with my mom who had a booth, typically they were an 8 or 10 foot table, if she had enough to fill it and then some, she would go. That also included the displays she made out of plywood to create different platforms and elevations for her things, they were either sanded and painted, or draped with fabric, things were hung, or sat on the table or one of the other platforms she created. I hope this gives you an idea of a goal to achieve prior to attending somewhere.