Friday, April 10, 2009

Twisted creations

I've been creating a few new designs that are more contemporary pieces which I'm fascinated with. I crochet two stripes and interlink them via heat and pair them with bold and long chains. I've yet to list these up on Etsy but I just could not wait to show you what I've been up to!

Another "I'm not orchid!" Necklace:

I just have to get this off my chest. Last night, my childhood friend came online to say hi and asked me about Muntedkowhai. She asked to see my Etsy site and so I sent the page to her. A few seconds afterwards, she said "Oh they're lovely! You should: make them in black, put beads, crochet alphabets and names to make them special. Oh and if you sell me some, I'll help you promote your necklaces." OOOOOOOOOO!!!! That BOILS MY BLOOD. Most of my close friends understand Muntedkowhai concept which is a mixture of old and new, a new look at old designs and contrast in textures but I just find it so annoying when some people start to fire suggestions right off the bat. Oh my gosh, I must sound like a huge brat but I'm not, I don't know how to explain it. I understand that Muntedkowhai is not for everyones' taste but it is hard for me to take advice and what seems to me, non thought out suggestions. I tend to not enjoy talking about Muntedkowhai to my friends with the exception of Aaron and Tania because I feel like I'm boring them. I know when it boils down to it, everyone means well but it just irks me when people whom I don't respect that much, make such fast criticism about Muntedkowhai. Wow okay now I really sound like a B 1 T charlie. It's difficult to explain but does anyone out there know the feeling?

On a brighter note, The Road Necklace is now available at Muntedkowhai

Have a great weekend!


Linda Lu said...

I love how your work is evolving.

Hello Lindello said...

Some people just don't get it do they! That's the tough thing about being creative, people always have to put their two cents in on what would make something "better". At least you know the direction you want to take and have support and a successful business. Keep going and don't turn back!

ps. can you make me a necklace with the word "booya" across it? ONLY KIDDING....

Unknown said...

hahahahaha ghetto shabby chic, i LIKE it.


Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk said...

Absolutely! I can't count the number of conversations that started with "I love your shop. You know what you SHOULD do..." back in my shop owner days. It took awhile, but I learned not to sweat it.

YOur new designs are just lovely! Have a great weekend.

Annisa NF said...

wow, great! they're very pretty.


blue moss said...

had someone tell me how i could "fix" a necklace the other day.... i just smiled :)
i love your things just the way you make them

blue moss said...

p.s. esp love the i love orchid