Sunday, April 04, 2010


Aaron left this early morning. I miss him already. *sad face* Aaron was in Melbourne for the long long weekend and it was so nice to have him finally see the apartment and city. He bought the items that I did not and now the apartment is more home. We went to JB-HIFI and got our new TV! Yay! This is great because he also brought over alot of dvds from his collection and his multi regional dvd player. The other day, we rented an old rickety van and picked up second hand furniture we bought on Chapel st. The desk was sitting in the clearance section of Chapel St Bazaar and it is so sturdy and it is the perfect size. Due to the small space of the kitchen, we bought an ex cafe table for our dining table with a few old chairs thrown in. More than half of Aaron's luggage had my belongings in them and I was reunited with my batik painting I did a few years back.

sitting on the pier at st kilda

We bought a wok from a chinese market and the lady told us to fry up a piece of pork fat with some wilted veges so that it would remove the top layer of the wok and cover it with oil. Here's Aaron doing the very smokey and smelly job.

Yesterday, we went to the Ron Mueck exhibition. It was amazing. Ron Mueck is actually from Melbourne but not based in the UK, does the most amazing hyper realistic sculptures. Most famous initially for his work in Labyrinth, the collection showing at the National gallery of Victoria.

My photos, of course, does them no justice. The sculptures are amazing. You can see the blotchy skin, the tiny faint hint of veins, goosebumps and possibly every aspect of humanness that we take for granted.


charinthecity said...

Hi Aaron!

Looking forward to seeing you both next month. Saw the giant face in London last year, it's eerie isn't it? Other works not quite my cup of tea but provocative anyway. Saw something similar at the Saatchi gallery I had to avert my eyes from... giant naked old man angel with naked chicken wings. Urggh! said...

your mum nd popo visited your site. She says the art is an eye-opener!

Hello Lindello said...

Wow, that exhibit looks crazy real!

Katherine said...

YAY, glad you had some reunion time with your b/f & got a bit more nesting done.

Ummm how creepy cool was that exhibit...I mean it looks sooooo real. I will have to read up & find out how he does this.