Monday, September 26, 2011

Chinese secrets

Last week, I opened up my packet of Har Mai and groaned. Not again, I've bought a packet of dried shrimps "Har Mai" from a chinese store and it has no shrimp smell or taste. It is such a hit and miss thing. I don't know what brand to buy, where does Mum get her awesome Har Mai? The ones where you dont want to use alot because the flavours are THAT intense. Out of pure frustration and because I think there are a lot of people out there who would like to truly know how to pick Chinese sundry goods, I asked my mother to do a series of blog posts where she introduces the item and how to pick good ones and how to prep them.

Here is her first post.

1 comment:

charinthecity said...

Yay! What an awesome idea. I don't cook a lot of Chinese food at all, hopefully this will inspire me to branch out.