Friday, October 31, 2008

A s to the Z s to the, heck I should get back to work

A - Age: 26 (soon to be 27 in Jan! Gah!)
B - Band listening to right now: No music, just the sound of plastic tubes scratching. I'm at my desk at work, next to the laboratory you see.
C - Career future: Future? Right now I'm full time scientist and part time crafter. It's where I've always wanted to be.
D - Dad’s name: Pang Chun Fai
E - Easiest person to talk to: My incredible boyfriend, Aaron.
F - Favorite type of shoe: My Christina flats by Dr Martins. I absolutely love it. Its SO comfortable but I warn others, since it is real leather padding, it tends to smell a bit!
H – Hometown: Hmm. I always have a difficult time answering this. Current hometown or where I grew up? I was born in Hong Kong and grew up in New Zealand for most of my childhood. (Now I'm in Oregon where I've lived on and off for the past 9 years!)
I – Instrumental talent: Despite being Asian, I am musically retarded. (Mathematically also)
J – Juice of choice: Grapefruit juice, sans sugar!
K – Koala Bear or Panda Bear: The panda bear for sure because it's playful and uber cute. I've never seen a Koala bear do anything besides eating leaves with is arms and legs wrapped around a tree.
L - Longest car ride ever: When my family moved from Frederick, Maryland to Portland, Oregon. Yeah, an east to west coast move. FUN!
M – Middle name: I have none.
N - Number of jobs you’ve had: Sounds like a resume request. I've been a cashier at a Japanese supermarket, lab technician at a USDA lab, microbiology supervisor and processor at a cannery up in Alaska, Microbiology assistant at Resers (a food company) and now, now I'm a Research Associate at a Cancer center here in Portland.
O- OCD traits: Does compulsive Etsy checking counts? If it does, I'm in serious trouble.
P - Phobia[s]: Nothing that is really considred medically a phobia. I dislike insects and birds alot.
Q - Quote: "When a person asks a question, he is stupid for a moment. When a person never asks a question, he is stupid for a lifetime."
R - Reason to smile: Aaron
S - Song you sang last: In the car, on the way to work, on the top of my lungs "Colourblind" by the Counting Crows.
T - Time you wake up: 7am.
U - Unknown fact about me:
V - Vegetable you hate: Waterchestnuts, easily.
W - Worst habit: Biting my nails, what am I, 5?
X - X-rays you’ve had: Dental and one time my left hand for my orthodontist.
Y - Yummiest food my belly likes: I'll try anything once, especially if it's free! I love all kinds of food except, again, waterchestnuts.
Z - Zodiac sign: Aquarius

1 comment:

Aroha Silhouettes said...

Hey! I've just stalked you over here! Your new banner is rad!