Thursday, November 20, 2008


Mrs French from Bliss made my week! I've been following her blog for only a week or so.. at work..cough cough boss was cough cough gone.. and she put my creations next to the amazing company of Sofia and Bluemoss!! I mean, these ladies are awesome , their work exquisite so it was indeed very flattering to have my work beside theirs. Thank you Mrs French! I'm off to make more Muntedkowhai necklaces, yippeeeee!!!

A random photo:

Joy at the Arc, Dunedin, New Zealand


Linda Sue said...

Your creations are AWESOME and perfect and very clever! The best ever!

Dallas Shaw said...

mrs french is the best. congrats!

blue moss said...

when i saw your beautiful things on bliss and etsy, i didn't realize you had a happy to find it!!

Cut Copy Create said...

oohh i like this photo.....

Mrs.French said...

your necklaces made my blog prettier...xo