It is with my pleasure to bid farewell to my Howick Necklace. It is now going to Santa Monica where it'll flutter around the buyer's neckline. Aw I'll miss you! Each one is like my baby. It is hard for me to actually replicate any necklace as I do freeform crochet when I make my motifs. This means that I don't follow any patterns to make an entire motif, I learn different components of the motifs ( a triangle, a picot etc) from an awesome pattern book I got from Borders and then make up an entire composition as I go along. So when I start a new piece, I never know what it'll end up looking like, which can be bad because I have a pile of discarded fuglies in the living room and on my desk in my room. It is however, really exciting to finish a piece and then rummage like a bag lady through my box of vintage buttons and see which one matches. The Victory necklaecs are the exception. They are small enough for me to remember how to replicate and I do so because I realise not everyone likes big lacy motifs.
Speaking of buttons, I was scouring Etsy for new vintage buttons to purchase. There were the general vintage plastic/metal buttons and then, something caught my eye. It was the colour combo. Oh lord, I had to clickity click and then bought it! It's my first vintage fabric button purchase and I just can't wait to use them!!! They're shipping from Shanghai courtesy of Loloandbebe's Etsy shop and it'll take a few weeks so hopefully, I'll be able to use them for my pieces at the Open House at Thea's.

I also bought these lighter denim jeans from Jcrew online! I mean, I found a pair I like and now that I know my size and style. I'm buying!

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