Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mama wants these lil babies!

Oh my lord. Mamaslittlebabies Etsy shop makes me bounce like a four year old, hands clapping, legs fraying saying " I want it! I want it!" You'd want it too!

make these gorgeous Victorian illustration prints onto plastic and cut out to be made into delightful necklaces! I've always had a huge crush on Victorian illustrations and now you can wear them! Oh boy! I especially love the black and white peony but the colour cut outs are quite eye catching too. Swooning as I type. Swooned.ed.


Anonymous said...

I've seen these before on Etsy! They are amazing and so detailed!
Dang cool pics too

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

...loving the bow pendant!
now I want a baby too ;)