Monday, November 10, 2008

Meet Gentlemen and Northrup

Here are two new necklaces I listed just now:

The Gentleman Necklace (a bowtie shape motif)

The Northrup Necklace

I had made these two before going to Vegas so was very antsy to be able to list them. I hope they're a hit! I personally think Gentleman is cute and ironic while the Northrup is unusually pretty. Wow I'm modest huh but I have found that sometimes selling your art/creations requires you to loosen up on your dosing of modesty.


Katie Runnels said...

I adore the Gentleman!! xoxo

ELM said...

LOVE the gentleman as well! Love how it abstracts the bowtie theme. PS--- I'll be featuring you soon--- just gotta work it in the "write" way! hehe! PS-- have we traded links??? Yours, Elissa.

jen said...

you are right, they have evolved and they are even cuter and more fantastic than the first. never be ashamed of those high school yearbook photos!

I like your blog too!