Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My future home

Sometimes I feel sorry for Aaron, he doesn't know what he is in for. Every time I scour my favourite design blogs, there are so much inspirations for home decorations that I can't help but mentally paint a picture of how my future house will look like, inside that is. First of all, I know I want a small wall covered in a variety of vintage frames of all sizes and colours. There will be no photographs in them but art or just the plain off white walls behind them. I realise that alot of my inspirations are very feminine and a poor guy would go insane living in a house of off whites, frills and bits. I think I, myself will go a bit nuts as well that is why I think hints of it here and there is most appropriate, clean and simple and a hints of femininty all around. However there are going to be two more things that I will have to have and thanks to Suzanne over at S.hoptalk and Kate of HelloLindello, I know they are:

1) Birdcages! In my house, it will not have a bird in them. Birds are freaky! (Not as freaky as butterflies) Plus, something about caging a bird seems very wrong to me. It makes me sad! Mine will be either hung in the kitchen to rippen fruits or in the living room as a planter.



2) A small accent wall of AWESOME wallpaper. Kate is putting in wallpaper at her place and she is right, they make crazy cool wall clothes now, not like those I grew up with. I remember peeling off my room's wallpaper and scraping all the glue off so that I could paint it construction yellow. That was my favourite colour because.... winnie the pooh is that colour... I was 15.


Sayo said...

fruit ripening or planter! what great ideas! birds freak me out too. i've only recently stopped being a little weirded out by cages... they make me think of creepy old ladies. actually, i used to think i was a caged bird in a past life- one that was picked on by free birds. (that's how i'd explain my fear of birds and cages) i may be revealing too much...

Hello Lindello said...

Yay! I'm glad I inspired you, but how can you not like those wallpapers! Seriously--aren't there a million great ones? I love that horse design too, but Ben's scared of horses..hehe. I too love the cage idea (minus the birds). They're so whimsical!

Anonymous said...

Yes! I get freaked out by birds too.

I love that horse wallpaper. It reminds me of Escher for some reason.

charinthecity said...

It's good for the boys to be in a little bit of happy ignorance about their future homes... (-: It's like when you're a little girl and start thinking about your wedding dress and your children's names!

kadler said...

Hahaha... the guys never know what they're getting themselves into :)

Those birdcages are beautiful. Living in HK, they're everywhere and I want them all.