Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Punctum!

My first Punctum!


Hello Lindello said...

I just had to google the word punctum.....Congrats smarty pants! Thats so awesome.

thisgoodhearth said...

I don't know the word and the wireless in Mike's house is a bit slow as he has too many gadgets around, so I shall google that when I get home. but, CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Anonymous said...


blue moss said...

woo hoo! no idea what it is but it sounds super impressive
(p.s. i was going to tell you that i have received my camera and am super excited ...but am embarrassed to admit, especially with your puntum, that i haven't managed to wade thru the manual and know nothing about it yet!)

Unknown said...

thank yous! it makes me sound smarter than I really am. M, I don't read the mannual for my camera either. I can't wait to see your results!

Marian said...

congrats dear! how fabulous honey,so proud of you! yay!
muah x