Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pay taxes or look good?

I guess these adorable clothes won't do me any good if I was in prison for not paying my taxes! What a headache and I haven't even begun! It is something that I'm procrastinating big time and since this is Muntedkowhai's first tax season... I'm a bit squeamish! How much would I have to pay?! What do I need to do before I go to my tax guy? I haven't even registered Muntedkowhai for the state of Oregon, does that matter?! Ahhh! I know, I know, I'm so lazy but I don't really care for the business side of things, I just want to create. Alas, they go hand in hand and so I'm really really sticking to my guns this weekend: Photographing new spring and wedding pieces and then it's ALL about taxes. Just thinking about it, makes me enormous head hurt. How do you prepare for tax season? (By the way, I think the insane microbrew tax is horrible, as is the "real pint" certification sticker, as is the Idaho stop for cyclist.)


knack said...

I totally hear you on the taxes....yuck, but a necessary evil! :) good luck this weekend!

I want the very first outfit ..... totally perfect!

AsianCajuns said...

Oh man, I hate taxes, but I suppose they are a necessary evil! I absolutely love the vest. maybe your tax refund will cover it!

kadler said...

My vote: toast dress!

Mary-Laure said...

I usually don't like vests but this one is a winner.