Friday, March 13, 2009

Speaking to myself

>It is Friday, which means starting tomorrow; I’ll have two whole days dedicated to Muntedkowhai. Fridays are great, as often cooed by my friend Tania and I. It is the most optimistic part of the weekend; it is filled with potential kinetic energy (which may or may not be spent on crafting). That huge list in your mind is SO very doable… until it is Saturday afternoon and you suddenly slip into semi controlled depression mode because soon it’ll be Sunday and after that it is dreaded Monday. So you see, Friday has it the best. Right now, I should be coming up with the introduction of my paper but instead; I’m typing my blog out underneath my 2 paragraphs of science hoo ha. (This is of course, to appear to be productive but really is just plain blogging… in word.. then copy and pasted… in blogger)

Here is my list:

Finish crocheting rest of Déjà vu order

Iron, seal and button up rest of Déjà vu order

Chain up Dejavu order ( ? ) …. Maybe getting tooooo optimistic here

Chain up the 3 Spring pieces, photograph and list.

That is a short list but boy, it is a lot to do! Once I have the Déjà vu order under control, I’m able to get back to my Etsy shop. I’m aware that I have very limited designs on there right now and I’m going to throw myself into more wedding and spring designs. (I’ve even purchased more cord colours and buttons!!)

Aside from my Muntedkowhai list, I would like to pursue other things:

Go back to the gym (I’ve gained… an unsightly mid area.)

Buy knitting needles and practice on all those yarn

Finish PIFs

Send Rachel her bday and homewelcoming present… (I am a horrible real life friend)

Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to copy and paste this and get back to my real work which consists of making a list of things I want to say in this paper. Have a wonderful weekend, enjoy the sleep in and being in PJ all day long!


knack said...

sounds like a plan! Hope you have a very productive weekend!! xo

blue moss said...

hope you get it all done!!! have a super weekend, girl!

kadler said...

Yay! Always love to see the beautiful things you make :)

Ellene McClay said...

what lovely work you do! I love to make lists also- it's such a good feeling to check things off that get accomplished! Although my lists are usually way too ambitious :)

Sayo said...

I feel exactly the same way about today! Friday. I am very optimistic about this weekend... no dreaded work at all... however, I did just get home (from said dreaded work) and its 1:30am on Saturday... oh, where has this weekend gone??? oh no!

Anonymous said...

Yipeeeeeeeee!!! The weekend, still two more days of arts and crafts working our butts off to go!