Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Newly added to the shop:

The Admiral Returns


In other great news, I'm super excited about my friend Tania of Aroha Silhouettes coming to visit me! She'll be coming from Vancouver BC for a long weekend of crafting in PJs and stuffing our faces with salty chips, chocolate eggs (Easter!) and lots of reality tv shows. I can't wait! I'm going to take Friday off, it's going to be great!! What are your upcoming Easter plans?


Hello Lindello said...

Sounds like fun. I'm excited for this weekend too becuase its Bennys 28th birthday and 10 of us are going to minneapolis, eating out, seeing Andrew Bird, and staying at a hotel! yipeeee!

please sir said...

Lovely addtions - the pink is stunning!

knack said...

oh yay!

You are right about Ralphies color!! Great minds think alike! {wink, wink}