Tuesday, May 26, 2009

10 years

Yesterday, I met up with a high school friend of mine whom I had not seen in 12 years, nor really kept in contact with. We caught up on 12 years of news and she reminded me that this year, is our 10 year reunion. 10 years since I've been out of that jailhouse called high school!! I would love to go attend the reunion but since it is in Auckland, NZ, it is not possible for me. Plus with facebook around, who needs to see what queen mcsnobby or princess i'm too cool for you, is up to. I can look at all their pictures and see what kind of brain draining quizzes they have taken. Oh no I sound bitter! Well, that's probably because I am. I went to an all girls private school that pride themselves on having a smaller class, around 20 girls per grade. This meant hell, pure heightened gossip hell. With such a small class, there was not enough room for different cliques. There was just COOL and UNCOOL. Your beloved fit in so right with the latter. I was uncool to the bone. Oh yeah.
After talking with Lynely, I giggled in my mind as to the things we all remember. Some minute, some not so and others that you never thought you remembered.

Here are some of mine:

Mrs Ray, our science teacher with her tartan skirts and always showing us her hologram brooch.
The smell of our woollen skirts when it got wet from the rain, in a bus with 40 of us.
Mrs Christensen, our French teacher who always wore crazy tights. One of the most memorable one had clocks all over it. She was insane because she would tear any pages that had white out on it. Fiiiiiierce.
Hating wearing those straw hats with a navy ribbon (now oh so popular). We had to wear them to and from school and church.
Having to wear an olive ribbon in our hair if we tied it up.

many many more

Remember all those years made me realize what a shy child I was! I would let people walk all over me and never spoke up about anything.It also made me realize the friendships I made in high school were purely out of convinience and most often hardly out of a real connection.

1 comment:

Hello Lindello said...

I was not a fan of high school either. I too went to a small private school and when I was able to take college classes junior year I ran and never looked back! College was much much better.