Sunday, December 06, 2009

Sunday and food

My last day at work was quite brisk. I did set up an experiment for the post doc to finish and hopefully repeat. I was slightly embarrassed and touched by the wee speech made by Dr Urba at the end of Friday seminar and by my boss who seemed a bit choked up. I was given a framed panel of the lab, cancer center and the department. I felt quite sad , Providence Cancer center felt like a close knit family and here I was given the room to grow as a scientist and I am forever grateful to my boss for his teachings and support.

My entire month of working in the lab without breaks has landed me pretty fatigue and yesterday I slept through most of the day, waking to make dinner and catch up on TV. It's pretty sunny here in Portland but it is crisp and windy. Sundays are great when you:

eat radishes and heat up spaghetti ala cabonara leftovers

I spent this morning sorting through all my clothes into : keep, re sell, donate. Time to work on some orders!

1 comment:

charinthecity said...

Good luck with everything! Hopefully get to catch up with you in person next year... a month and a bit before Dave & I are also on the move. xxxLove