Saturday, January 16, 2010

Last night in Portland

I spent my last night in Portland with my girls. Corrine and I had dinner at Delta and lots of Lynchburg Lemonades. Yummm. I have few girlfriends in the states and I don't spend as much time as I should have with them. Drinks and gossips and laughter ensues:
Gwen, Katie and I
(girls I used to work with)

Corrine and I
(college friend)

After a few drinks, Corrine and I went to Potato Champion. I've always wanted to try Potato Champion but never got the chance to and I just had to before I left Portland! Potato Champion is one of the few food carts before the Hawthorne bridge. It is home made fries with poutaine sauce. YUMMMM. We shared a "small":

As we were finishing our midnight treat, a lady sat next to me and started setting up something. She had a wooden box with an array of plastic dinosaurs. The box said "DINO TAROT". For $3, you can have your fortune read by dinos!!!! You close your eyes and concentrate on what you want to know about and instinctively pick the dinosaurs that you are attracted to. I picked 3. It was pretty interesting and I couldn't have picked a more Portland thing to stumble upon before I leave.

For those of you Portlanders that are interested: DINO TAROT


Hello Lindello said...

I want to do Dino Taro! so cool.

S said...

Bahaha Dino Tarot!!?
Yay for "last nights" at places... Sort of.
Any tips on the long distance relationship (LDR) front? I'm scared :(