Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A long fermenting weekend

So it was a long weekend over here in Victoria. I'm a strong believer that every weekend should be a 3 day weekend, making time for errands, socializing and rest. We would be much happier persons if that was the case!

We went and brew our first batch of beer, thanks to Sumit and Melinda. They introduced us to Ubrew it. It's a facility where they provide a menu of recipes, the ingredients, kettle , keg and space for it to ferment. You can buy bottles or cans and by the end of 2 or 3 weeks, you bottle it yourself.
We decided to make a 7% weizen and had to weigh out every ingredient as per recipe. Two scientists on the job makes for very precise weighing, I tell you what! We sat around as it boiled and bubbled in the kettle, drinking the free beer from several kegs.

group picture
Sumit (Happy!), Pip (Ecstatic!), Melinda (Scared?) and Aaron (Normal)
awaiting for the kettle contents to be finished.

pip approves
Pip has a wee sniff, cascade hops are approved!!

ok beer, see you in three weeks!!

Another thing that has made my week recently was the arrival of my Kindle! Kindle is a great great thing when you live in a two bedroom apartment, travel to work on public transportation and like cheaper books! No more shoving a huge book into my purse (along with my lunch etc) and being able to get anything I want on it, is pretty spectacular. I'm currently reading Emperor of All Maladies, which was recommended by an en mass email from work a month or so ago. It's about the history, current and future of Cancer. It's written nicely, easy for non-medical, non-science readers. I highly recommend it, it is a very interesting read.

my new kindle

Another project I started this weekend, was the remaking of our couch: piecemeal. I had no pattern to go on, I just guessed and I've guessed too big. So this coming weekend, I'm correcting the size a bit, so it would fit a bit more snug.

the grey cushion cover is a replacement for the fraying oatmeal ones.

close up of cushion
It's not looking bad. The material is tough yet comfy and I love the colour. I'm thinking of making the back pillows a different material. I saw the other day at the FABRIC STORE, they had dark oatmeal zebra strips, which could be quite fun! Or a dash of yellow.

1 comment:

thisgoodhearth@blogspot.com said...

Your sewing looks really good!
The beer brewing looks FUN!
Wished I was there!