Monday, November 03, 2008

Treasury West makes Front page, with me in it!

I did not know how one gets to Treasury West (clapping 3 times and twirling with a unicorn on your back?) or why it's there or anything much, so imagine my surprise when I see myself on the front page but I could not find that gold star on the normal Treasury pages. I had, for some reason, thought Treasury West, this magical distant land, did not land on front pages of Etsy. I was proven wrong! Now I know how to get to Treasury west and that it could lead to front pages!! Perhaps it's a new thing the Etsy upabovers are trying out, either way I'm saying Yay!

My Oyster Endearment Necklace with patina button got included into the Treasury.

What a great way to end a Monday night! Now when I wake up, if Etsy could send me an email that says "Etsy transactions.."

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