Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Did you know Erin from Design for Mankind is super sweet? Oh, you did. Well do you know she has envious loose waves? No?! Ha! I do because I saw Erin's first installment of Dialogue, a video series that has fellow designers and artists talk about different aspects of Art. The first video is about balance. It's so neat, watch it here:

Design For Mankind - Dialogue Episode 1 from Design For Mankind on Vimeo.

Being a full time 9-5 scientists, I am not as fully entrenched as these amazing artists are in their work. That being said, all my waking hours outside of the lab is dedicated to Muntedkowhai. For me, it is hard to balance my relaxation time and Muntedkowhai time. Nowadays, it is hard for me to sit down and just, JUST watch TV. My hands are free and it is a weird and bizzare feeling! I have a bad habit of picking up the needle even when I'm on "break." I think it is the balance of science and art that has made Muntedkowhai enjoyable for me, I would doubt that if I had to live off Muntedkowhai as it exsists right now, I'd be a happy duckling. (I'd be stress, an order a weeek! Eeep!) That is why, I'm sticking to my goal from last year for a while longer, to sell Muntedkowhai to make more Muntedkowhai. Another goal is to not be so much of a social hermit. I haven't seen some of my friends since Halloween of last year! Very bad, yes. The ladies in the video is right, when you're self employed, you're so much of a workaholic. When I was on holiday, I felt so horrible being online, checking my Etsy, listing and trying to keep current on blogs while Aaron was in the same room. It is so hard to pry my mind away from Munted when I should have been spending more time with Aaron.

My unrealistic everyday dream is still : Wake up with sun peering in, breakfast with Aaron before he goes to work. (I'm in my PJs) Shower and read up on emails and sales on the computer with my coffee. Create till lunch. Meet up with Tania for lunch and talk about craft and art. Create some more and cook dinner. Relax and repeat. (You would have noticed I omitted any house chores as this is still my dream)


Dallas Shaw said...

i love erin, she is a doll


Anonymous said...

I have no idea how you do it - being a postdoc AND so prolific with muntedkowhai. It's all I can do to even stick to a basic routine and get to work at a respectable hour! Let alone do things I enjoy like making photos and baking, or work on getting fit. Ack. Being a grown up is so hard sometimes. Some days I just want to toss my cookies and watch dvds in bed. Hell, some days I do just that.

Unknown said...

@ Teressa: Oh, I'm no post doc. I did my masters and now am just doing research. I have, recently been getting into the lab later and later. Eeeep! Getting fit is falling to the way side..
Hhaha I know what you mean, when I was down in Dunedin and it was sunny, I'd ditch lab and sleep in and do cryptic crossword with the man all day long. Blissful days!

angsana said...

I can only imagine the state of the house now. Won't be long before the maid comes home to clean:(

Unknown said...

!!! I've been going into work late to clean the house so it's not a tornado!!!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, we can dream Tiff!