Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Streets to wear

I managed to photograph some new pieces I've been working on this morning. I'll slowly put them on Etsy. I LOVE CREATING!
Taniwha Necklace

Rutherford Necklace

Moray Place Necklace

All my necklaces are named after cities or streets that I have fond memories of.


Mrs.French said...

oh my goodness...how have I not seen your beautiful work...I love it all..xo

kendalee said...

These are so lovely! They've definitely contributed to my happiness quotient today... :)

Tiffany said...

Thanks Mrs French (fellow portlander!) and Kendalee! They make my heart flutter as well.

Anonymous said...

Moray place!!! I love it!

lisa said...

these are gorgeous! you are so talented.

I've been meaning to check out flight of the concords and haven't been able to get around to it. I'll make it a priority...

P said...

Your work is so wonderful! What a gorgeous revelation.